August 25, 2023 Reflections on Thursday Morning Prayer Group

During the 2022 Advent season, Rev. Rachel started an early Thursday morning online prayer group for those interested in journeying into the season with one another. The weekly event was so popular that a group of dedicated church members decided to keep it going long after the Advent season had concluded.

Individual congregants offer to lead the weekly prayer group, with each person bringing different approaches, perspectives, and insights to this special time of sharing, reflection, and prayer. 

Nancy Holland has been a regular prayer group participant, and she offered to share her thoughts on what it has meant to her.

“…Be still and know that I am God…”  the Psalm tells us.  Easier said than done in these times, or possibly any time.

The prayer group is a nice way to start my Thursday morning ( 7:45-8:30).  We meet on Zoom, I can have my coffee, sit in my night clothes, and be reminded that I am not alone in this world, not in my joy or in my sorrow.  I don’t have to bring any thoughts or be smart, only show-up and be open to what is before me: the beautiful language of poetry, the healing in a scripture passage, the presence of God as represented in the other Zoom faces.

Why do I set my alarm ( I’m retired) to log-on to my computer, to be there?  I don’t know that I can succinctly answer the question.  In the time we’ve been meeting, I feel that the peace and love I experience on Thursday mornings extends into my day. Rather than try to explain more, let the poet Denise Levertov, who I was introduced to through our prayer group, explain it.

That Passeth All Understanding

by Denise Levertov

An awe so quiet

I don’t know when it began.

A gratitude

had begun

to sing in me.

Was there

some moment


song from no song?

When does dewfall begin?

When does night

fold its arms over our hearts

to cherish them?

When is daybreak?