May 14, 2024 New Worship Series for Pentecost Starts on May 19

Hallelujah! It’s a new day in the United Methodist Church. The General Conference has removed the harmful language regarding LGBTQ+ people, and the bans on ministry and marriage. This is the perfect time to ask, “What’s next?” and “Where is God leading us now?”

On Sunday, May 19, Dumbarton kicks off a new worship series, “Fresh Wind, New Fire!” The season of Pentecost is an ideal time to focus attention on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and the mission of the church. Dumbarton’s worship series will focus on how the Holy Spirit works in individual lives (personal piety and holiness) and in the corporate church (bold mission and ministry).

In worship, small groups and written responses, members of the congregation will share stories of how experiences in and through Dumbarton have helped them grow in faith and live transformed lives. We’ll learn how they experience the presence of God at Dumbarton; what makes them come alive; and what’s something Dumbarton has that people can’t find any place else.

This worship series will continue through June 30–in person as well as on Zoom. (And if  you miss a Sunday, check out the recorded sermons on our YouTube page.

See you in church!