
September 7, 2023 Fall Study on How to Fight Racism Starts on Sept. 7

All are welcome and encouraged to join a 10-week study on Thursday evenings this fall based on the book, “How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey toward Racial Justice” by Jemar Tisby.
Dates: Thursday evenings starting September 7,  and ending on November 16.
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, via Zoom (link will be in each weekly issue of e-Chips)
The author, Jemar Tisby, introduces a framework – the A.R.C. of Racial Justice (Awareness, Relationships and Commitment) – that helps readers to interrogate their own actions and maintain a consistent posture of anti-racist behavior. We will apply the sessions, addressed specifically to Christians, to both our own personal journeys as well as to our commitments and actions as a congregation.
During the Thursday night sessions, we will view a short video by the author, share our reflections from the intervening week and then spend time in conversation.
The sessions will be guided by Rev. Rachel and Kathryn Johnson as well as other members of the Antiracism Task Force.
Those planning to participate in the study should purchase the following two resources:
  • How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey toward Racial Justice by Jemar Tisby; and
  • How to Fight Racism Study Guide: Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice by Jemar Tisby.
If you have any questions, contact Kathryn Johnson or Rev. Rachel. (It will be helpful for planning purposes if you let Kathryn know if you plan to participate.)