Upcoming events.

to Apr 19

Lent 2025

LENT 2025

This year during Lent, you are invited to look beyond binaries and easy answers, to notice the dichotomies that define our lives, but also imagine where God might be meeting us beyond the categories we create. This Lenten series is for any of us who feel as though we are living in a divided world. It is for those who seek a spiritual life that engages with complexity instead of avoiding it. This Lenten journey is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness trusting that God shows up in shades of gray, rainbow hues, and everywhere in between.

Resources for Lent

-- Lenten Devotional booklet -- Here is a link to an e-reader version for use with your computer or mobile device...or you may pick up a paper copy at church.

-- Countdown to Easter -- Lenten Paper Prayer Chain Kit

Designed to be engaging for children and meaningful for adults. Make, then hang, this paper chain in your home where you’ll see it throughout the season. Each day, open one link and read the reflection question and prayer coinciding with the weekly theme. Each day the chain shrinks as Easter grows near. Paper Chain Instructions

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to Apr 3

"Disarming Leviathan" Book Study for Lent

Disarming Leviathan Book Study for Lent

Our Anti-Racism ministry team is sponsoring a book study for Lent on "Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor" by Caleb E Campbell.

This book introduces the basics of Christian Nationalism and explores the reasons so many people are attracted to it. The book also offers questions and responses that humbly subvert Christian nationalist talking points and cultivate deeper, heart-level conversations.

Led by Neal Christie, Kathryn Johnson and Rev. Rachel

Thursdays March 13, 20, 27 and April 3, 7-8:30 pm on Zoom

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 815 7435 6551

Passcode: 596528

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to Mar 30

Retreat with Mt. Vernon UMC: Manna and Mercy: A Brief History of God’s Unfolding Promise to Mend the Entire Universe

Dumbarton is invited to join Mt Vernon Place UMC for a special retreat weekend of encountering the story of our faith as if for the first time as Rev. Alan Storey guides us through scripture from Genesis to Revelation, allowing scripture to become a means of grace to us.

During our extended time together, we will hear a call to live life differently by allowing God to truly use us to transform the world.

Rev. Alan Storey is a gifted South African writer, theologian, teacher, peacemaker, and seeker of justice. This will be the second time MVP has hosted him for an extended time of teaching Manna and Mercy: A Brief History of God’s Unfolding Promise to Mend the Entire Universe, written by the late Daniel Erlander.

Friday, March 28 (6:00 pm) to Sunday, March 30 (5:00 pm)

Mt Vernon Place UMC 900 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC 20001

  • Friday, March 28 || 6:00pm-9:30pm (including dinner)

  • Saturday, March 29 || 9:00am-5:00pm (including continental breakfast and lunch)

  • Sunday, March 30 || 12:45pm-5:00pm (including lunch, following 11:00am worship at MVP, where Alan is also scheduled to preach)

May I attend a portion of the weekend? No. Participants must make the commitment to attend the entire weekend.

What is the cost of the weekend? Each participant is asked to pay $55 to cover the cost of the MANNA and MERCY book, one light breakfast, one dinner, two lunches, snacks, and beverages.

Click Here To Register

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Reconciling Sunday

Reconciling Sunday
March 2, 2025  
11:00 am Worship

This year we celebrate Dumbarton’s 15-year commitment to Marriage Equality and the changes in the UMC at the 2024 General Conference!

Potluck & Mardi Gras Celebration follow worship

*Reconciling Sunday is Dumbarton's annual CELEBRATION  of our commitment to welcome and affirm LGBTQIA+ persons, families, allies & friends!

Reconciling Sunday Preacher, Rev Amy Stapleton and her family are part of the Dumbarton diaspora. She currently serves as the Executive Pastor at St Andrews UMC in Highlands Ranch, CO.

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Joint Worship with Mt Zion for Black History Month

Save the Date!

Joint Worship Service for Black History Month

📅 Date: Sunday, February 9th
⏰ Time: 10:00 AM
📍 Location: Mt. Zion UMC

We invite you to join us for a special Joint Worship Service with Mt. Zion to honor and celebrate Black History Month. This sacred gathering will be a time to reflect on the legacy, resilience, and faith of the Black community, and to recommit ourselves to building a beloved and inclusive community.

Guest Preacher:

Rev. Stacey Cole Wilson
Executive Minister of Beloved Community for the Baltimore-Washington Conference

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Online Discovery Group

Happy New Year DUMC!! The Online Discovery Group next gathers on Sunday, January 12 at 4PM.  Our discussion will include group members' responses to their star word provided during worship service on January 5.  

If you are not able to attend this Sunday's worship service in person or online, please email Doug Nelson choosing a number between 1 and 150 so I may provide you with a Star Word for 2025 to reflect about during our gathering.


Meeting ID: 829 9951 0603

Passcode: 041362

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Called Church Conference

We will vote to approve the new SALT leadership structure and nominations for leadership teams. DS Johnsie Cogman will preside. All members present will have voice and vote. Meeting on Zoom.

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Discussion on “Death and Dying, Grief and Loss”

Save the date for a Zoom discussion on "Death and Dying, Grief and Loss."

Pam Thielmann and Bill Nye will once again co-host this very casual, but meaningful discussion (on Zoom only) from 7 PM Eastern time to 8:15 or 8:30 PM.  Last January, twenty-two people joined, and it was a very rich discussion.

We do try to stay away from the paperwork part of death and dying, which, although very important, is not the intended focus.  Reverend Rachel may lead a Part Two, which would focus on helping people to get their memorial service arrangements on-paper ahead of time.

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Christmas Eve Worship

Join us for a special candlelight service to celebrate the birth of Christ. You won’t want to miss the glorious music, Children’s message and an inspiring sermon from Rev. Rachel, culminating in the beloved tradition of candle lighting and singing Silent Night. All are welcome, in person and online.

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Breakfast with Santa and Alternative Giving Fair

Join us Saturday morning, December 14th, 10am-12pm for a breakfast with Santa and alternative giving fair. There will be a continental breakfast, crafts and games for the kids and a Santa! We will also have representatives from various ministries and partner organizations where you can donate in honor of someone for Christmas. For more information contact Joe Friebele or Nancy Holland.

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Commitment Sunday

Stewardship Theme: “Crowded Tables, Generous Hearts: Living Out Jesus’ Love”

Please prayerfully consider how you will financially support Dumbarton’s vision and mission both in 2025 and far into the future, by completing this online pledge form.

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Adult Ed

A panel discussion facilitated by Brian Marvin, LCSW, who works for Fairfax County Community Services Board that oversees assessment and treatment  services for individuals addressing issues with possible mental health and substance abuse concerns. The panel will encourage discussion about these issues and concerns and look at possible supports and resources in our community.

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Saturday Supper Volunteer

Come help us serve a Thanksgiving meal to our unhoused neighbors at Mt Zion UMC, 1334 29th St NW. Set up is at 4:30pm, we serve at 5:15 and clean up starts at 6pm. For more information or to sign up to bring food, please contact Austin Gladden.

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Mount Vernon Virtuosi String Quartet

Mount Vernon Virtuosi String Quartet

Musicians from the Mount Vernon Virtuosi (MVV) String Quartet are embedded in an innovative program in East Baltimore to promote social change through the universal language of music. They will discuss the importance of bringing classical music to disadvantaged communities and how it has changed and challenged their perspective on the role of classical music. 

The quartet will perform a free concert at 2pm on Nov. 17 at DUMC with works of Beethoven, Shostakovich, and Montgomery - everyone is welcome.

For more information on the Mt. Vernon Virtuosi click here: https://www.mountvernonvirtuosi.com/education

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Afternoon Session on Leadership Structure

Afternoon Session on Leadership Structure

Grace Episcopal Church Georgetown, 1041 Wisconsin Ave NW

This session will be facilitated by Rev. David Wacaster of Grace Church. Everyone is welcome and strongly encouraged to attend.

Lunch will be served before the session at Dumbarton. Please RSVP to Rev. Rachel if you plan to attend.

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Communal Service of Hope Following the Election

Communal Service of Hope Following the Election

Mt Vernon Place UMC, 900 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001

We will join together with Mt Vernon Place, Capitol Hill, Foundry and Asbury United Methodist Churches in a service of hope following the national election. Rev. Dr Ianther Mills from Asbury UMC will be preaching and communion and prayer stations will be offered. Click here for a flyer with more details about this event.

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We Keep Us Safe: Planning for Election Day & Beyond

We Keep Us Safe: Planning for Election Day & Beyond

Hosted by the Festival Center and Washington Interfaith Network (WIN).

During this event, participants will spend the first half learning about threat assessments in the national and local context. The second half will be a facilitated discussion on how we will keep our city and communities connected and safe. 

Dinner will be available, but RSVP so we know how many to plan for.

Location: Covenant Baptist United Church (3845 S Capitol St SW, Washington, DC 20032


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