Dumbarton UMC is an inclusive faith community that seeks, serves, and celebrates

Sunday Worship 11 AM – in person and on Zoom

  • Stay connected.

    Subscribe to e-chips, our weekly newsletter, for links to Sunday worship, and the latest updates.

  • Worship with us.

    We offer hybrid worship – in person & on Zoom. Sundays at 11 AM. Georgetown | Washington DC

  • Get involved.

    Engage in Adult Ed, join a discovery group, or help serve meals to our unhoused neighbors.

A Reconciling Congregation

At Dumbarton, all truly means ALL. We are a welcoming and inclusive faith community, committed to full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ individuals since 1987. We believe that love is love, and that every person is created in God's image and is a beloved child of God.

Welcome message from Rev. Rachel Cornwell

Upcoming Events

  • Fall Schedule begins September 8

    10 AM: Adult Ed
    11 AM: Worship

    Join us for a new sermon series, Promises Made, Promises Broken, Promises Renewed, through Oct 26.

  • Godly Play begins September 29

    During Worship

    Godly Play – for our preschool & elementary aged kids – uses stories, wonder, and play to help children grow in faith.

  • Theology Book Club

    September 28

    Join us to discuss the first half of Democracy and Solidarity: On the Cultural Roots of America’s Political Crisis by James D. Hunter—very timely for this political season.

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