November 28, 2023 A Few Words About Hope, Trust, and Faith

Hope … is small and firm and looks into the face of God and says. “Good morning.  I knew you would be there.” — Sister Mary Faith Schuster, (1914-2007)

In this season of Advent, Dumbarton is focusing on JOY with the theme: How does a weary world rejoice?

That quote from Sister Mary Faith Schuster, and the following prayer written by DUMC Pastoral Intern Nya Taryor, Jr., remind us of the importance of being hopeful, trusting God, and having faith.

God, You give us the ability to continue on no matter what we face. Please keep us with the trust and commitment to do what is right in your sight, not only for ourselves, but for the community around us. We must not let our hearts be discouraged by others who want us to break our belief. Your hands comfort us to be secure in the love given freely to all. It is an honor to know that you are with us every day. Keep us with the faith to stay in your arms. Amen. — A Prayer for the People, written by Nya Taryor, Jr.

This Advent, may we find many ways to rejoice!